D Prime 215 x Pryme Mega "Black Authentic" Video


Acclaimed Philly lyricist D Prime 215 releases “Black Authentic” video featuring Pryme Mega. The track is taken from his upcoming EP ‘King’s Road’ which is set to release this Summer.

"In the vein of James Brown’s “Say it Loud, I’m Black & I’m Proud” Pryme Mega & Myself set out to create a Positive Pro Black record in an Unapologetic fashion. “Black Authentic” is all about positivity in an uncompromising form when it comes to Black Folk & Black Culture. All too often we see pushes for “acceptable” Blackness which is seemingly bogged down by respectability politics to come across as “safe.” While this record isn’t intended to be disruptive for sport, Pryme & I didn’t pull any punches." - D Prime 215

Check out the video below.

